An Introduction: Single Origins v Blends

Learn about the differences between a single origin and blend coffee!

Single Origins

Coffee enthusiasts tend to enjoy the single origin coffee experience, because it allows for a more nuanced and distinct flavor profile. How does it get that flavor? As the name says, the coffee comes from a single source, usually from a specific lot in a specific region of a country. The beans flavor is altered by climate, soil, and processing methods. So, having all of the beans sourced from the same location allow for more defined notes that enhance the coffee drinking experience. Different regions, because of the differing climates and soils, produce different notes that can be tasted in the final product. However, because of the effects of the changing climate throughout the year, most single origins are seasonal and cannot be offered year-round, making single origins more of a specialty black coffee.


Blends are an amalgamation of coffee beans from different locations. Because the beans are sourced from more than one location, the flavor is less nuanced and represents a broader flavor profile. For example, a single-origin coffee might boast a specific fruit flavor (blueberry, orange, etc.) but a blend might simply boast a “fruity” flavor profile. However, the blending from different regions allows it to be offered year-round. The blending of different beans makes the flavor more robust, well-rounded, and versatile, which makes it a great base for espresso drinks. The blends tend to have a more balanced flavor to create a mellow profile that is more palatable and less intense.


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